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Israel’s Sephardic chief rabbi, Yitzhak Yosef, recently delivered a state sermon, claiming that Jewish law (Halacha) directs the State to expel all non-Jews from Israel. However, "some should remain" apparently, because they would be "useful as servants" in this fascist, dystopian theocracy he advocates. 

This stands as shining testament to the fact that religious extremism comes in all forms; and as long as there is religion, there will be a small number of fanatics to subvert its core message and philosophy.

Current media dogma seems to largely promulgate the myth that all religious extremism is Islamic in nature; when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Because whether it's this fascist; or the deranged, decapitating fanatics of the self- proclaimed "Islamic State" (Daesh) ... or George Bush announcing that "God told [him] to" invade Iraq, killing over a million civilians in the process... we have to learn to challenge extremism on all fronts; wherever it exists; and whomever it is preached by. We cannot; must not; let a skewed and biased media narrative tell us who; and perhaps more importantly; who not ... to challenge.

Yitzhak Yosef is simply Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi wearing a different hat. Another in a long line of hate-filled malevolent religious extremists, condoning death and/or ethnic cleansing.

"Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven". (William Shakespeare)